
Disclaimer : I’m not high. Quite the opposite actually.

Is it not unfair, to have everything and still have nothing? To not have space for anything else and yet crave for something you don’t even know exists anymore? To be saturated and yet be unfulfilled?

To have something wonderful but to want something entirely different? It is unfair, isn’t it? But that’s how it is. Today and everyday, for a long while now. To be in one place but long to be in an entire different place at that very moment?

For once, just for the sake of it, forgo the concept of right and wrong. Just for once. No judgement, only hear me out. You might agree or disagree, its upto you but that has nothing to do with the way I feel. Feeling is authentic, judgement is biased.

Anyway, getting back to the irony of it all. I’m talking about the duality of everyday life when said life becomes meaningless and uninspired. But you have to do, what you have to do. Act normal, finish the job that you are supposed to be doing. But that’s what it is exactly, acting the part. Not actually living it.

Its a self-induced punishment but its not voluntary. Its not something one can control, to desire and to dream something that is beyond your reach, beyond your horizon of reality.

To have your body in one place and your heart at a completely different location, it is unfair, isn’t it?